Small businesses are increasingly starting to realise that Cloud Computing (also known as Software-as-a-Service or 'SaaS') is a useful tool for their organisation. This relatively new concept generally works on a subscription basis, rather than requiring you to purchase an expensive new version every year like most of the major software companies would like you to do.
Possibly the greatest innovation of Cloud Computing is that it allows you to run the software application without having to install it on your computer. It runs directly from your web browser, regardless of whatever operating system you choose. This eliminates altogether the great pains we have all experienced of installing software from CDs for hours on end, only to find it still won't work!
Cloud Computing applications can be equally accessed by users of any operating system. Windows, Apple and Linux users with access to the Internet and a web browser such as Internet Explorer. Firefox or Safari will be able to use the software. This allows users to switch their operating system with ease and not worry about compatibility issues.
Because the software provider has control over which version of the application you have access to, you will have the latest update every time that you log in. This eliminates the need to worry about manually updating the software or fear that it will become obsolete and unsupported by the provider. The developers are able to update within a few hours if critical errors are discovered, usually without any disruption to your access to the application.
The data you enter into a Cloud Computing application is stored on the highly secure servers of the provider rather than one your desktop. This is highly advantageous to users, because it provides greater security and also allows them to access it regardless of their current location in the world.